terça-feira, fevereiro 15, 2011

O día de anos máis xenial [+8 anos].- XFC

 Mamá, mamá, canto falta para o meu día de anos?
 Pouco xa, meu fillo, pouco.
Un día despois:
     Mamá, mamá, canto falta para o meu día de anos?
 Pouco xa, meu fillo, pouco.
    Un día máis tarde:
     Mamá, mamá, canto falta para o meu día de anos?
 Pouco xa, meu fillo, pouco.
    Outro día despois:
     Mamá, mamá, canto falta para o meu día de anos?
 Pouco xa, meu fillo, pouco.
    A nai estaba xa fartiña. Que obsesión co aniversario. O aniversario era unha trangallada, ela non o celebraba nunca. Tería que aprenderllo a Gabriel, o fillo, quen, xa con seis anos, vivía aquilo cunha intensidade ridícula.
 Mamá, mamá, canto falta para o meu día de anos?
 Pouco xa, meu fillo, pouco. Éche no 34 de xuño. Díllelo a todos os teus amigos…
 Está ben.
E chegou o 3 de xuño. O neno recibiu agasallos de todos os seus amigos e compañeiros do infantario.
Súa nai non o podía crer.
Mais creuno aínda menos cando, no día seguinte, o Gabriel recibiu outra vez os mesmos agasallos, na mesma cantidade e da mesma xente.
 Como é posíbel? preguntouse a nai.
Mais todo ten unha explicación. O Gabriel aínda non controlaba como escribir números de dúas cifras, aínda que si sabía enviar emilios polo computador. Por iso, escribiu aos seus amigos que o seu día de anos era o treinta e catro de xuño como «o tres catro de xuño». E os seus amigos, tan xeniais coma el, pensaron que o aniversario do Gabriel duraba dous días.
Que sorte, non?


"Mum, mum, how many days are left for my birthday?"
"Not too much, son, not too much".
  One day later:
  "Mum, mum, how many days are left for my birthday?"
  "Not too much, son, not too much".
  One more day later:
"Mum, mum, how many days are left for my birthday?"
  "Not too much, son, not too much".
  Still one more day later:
"Mum, mum, how many days are left for my birthday?"
"Not too much, son, not too much".
The mother was fed up. What an obsession with the birthday. Birthdays are nonsense; she never celebrated it. She ought to make his son Gabriel understand it, who already at the age of six lived that experience very intensively.
  "Mum, mum, how many days are left for my birthday?"
  "Not too much, son, not too much. It'll be on 34th June, so you can say it to all your classmates".
  And on 3rd June, the child got presents from all his friends and classmates from the kindergarten.
Her mother could not believe her eyes.
But she was even more astonished when, on the next day, Gabril got the same presents, in the same quantity, from the same people again.
  "How come?", wondered the mother.
But everything can be explained. Gabriel didn't really control how to write numbers containing two figures, but he did know how to write and send emails. That is why he send a message to his friends where instead of saying that his birthday was on the thirty fourth of June, he actually wrote it was on «the third fourth of June». So his friends, as amazing as him, thought that Gabriel's birthday lasted two days.
How lucky, isn't he?

© Texto: Xavier Frías Conde, 2011

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